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There are two parking lots and loads of street parking around the theatre!

We are delighted to host Gilded Raqs at this wonderful space.

Not only is it a real theater with professional stage, lighting, sound, real dressing rooms, and tiered seating, but there are generously-sized rooms for workshops, plenty of space for vendors, and room for impromptu drumming and dancing! 

Hoover stage dimensions:

Stage: 28’ 6”w x  22’ 3”d
Stage Floor to Ceiling:  13’ 11”
Stage Height (from floor): 30”
More details here

The stage has curtained wings on either side and a back drop - performers can enter from either side, unseen from the audience

There are TWO real dressing rooms with countertops, mirrors, lights, and a dedicated restroom! 

The Rosicrucian as seen from the Hoover

Bonus: Rosicrucian Gardens and Museum!

The amazing Rosicrucian Gardens and Museum is directly across the street - a fabulous place to walk in a fantastical ancient Egyptian setting, take a pleasant break from the festival commotion, and even snap a few photos in the park.

Stay Saturday night in San Jose and visit the Egyptian Museum, which houses the largest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts on display in western North America, on Sunday (open 11:00 am - 6:00pm)! 

The Belly Dance Guild is a registered
501c(7) non-profit  organization.
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